Advertise With Us

Why - The Benefits

Promote your business to companies seeking to expand or relocate from around the world.

Advertise on StateBook to let site selection experts and companies know about the valuable products and services your business provides. Whether your focus is local or national, StateBook provides the perfect platform to reach our highly targeted audience:

  • Site selection experts
  • Companies seeking to expand or relocate in the U.S. domestically and from around the world
  • Economic development organizations (EDOs) promoting their communities to the site selection experts and companies seeking to expand or relocate

A percentage of every dollar you spend advertising on StateBook is shared with StateBook’s EDO members, helping to support their efforts to promote their community, build jobs and boost the local economy.

How - The Easy Steps

To place an ad to support your EDO, create your account by clicking on a link below:

For a customized partnership, please email us at or call 845-383-1991